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Zombie Draconic Ancestry

Image by DALL·E

Art by DALL·E

Zombie Dragon Ancestry

  • Damage Resistance: Poison
  • Breath Weapon: Poison, 15 feet cone (Dex. save)
  • Undead Spellcasting: You learn the following spells at the indicated level, and you can cast either of them using this feature once between long rests.
    • 3rd Level: Poison Spray
    • 5th Level: Acid Arrow


From the pestilential swamps and forgotten graveyards, where decay reigns supreme and the stench of death hangs heavy in the air, emerge the Zombie Dragonborn, a lineage infused with the resilience and putrid decay of the undead. Their bodies, once draped in flesh and muscle, now bear the grotesque markings of decomposition, their scales transformed into putrefied patches that exude a sickly green miasma. Their eyes, once windows to their fiery souls, now glow with an eerie phosphorescent green, reflecting the lingering essence of undeath.

Legends whisper of a time when a catastrophic plague swept across the land, transforming the living into rotting abominations. It was during this era of devastation that the first Zombie Dragonborn emerged, their bodies ravaged by the plague and bound to the realm of shadows. These undead beings, forever enmeshed in the process of decay, possess an uncanny resistance to poisonous substances, their bodies impervious to the toxic agents that would swiftly claim the lives of the living.

Their breath weapon, once a torrent of searing flame or icy blast, has taken on a putrid resonance, unleashing a devastating wave of poisonous gas that can melt flesh and corrupt the very essence of life. Their draconic heritage, however, has not been entirely extinguished. They retain the innate ability to commune with and manipulate the forces of arcane magic, and their mastery over decay grants them access to potent spells such as Poison Spray and Acid Arrow.

The Zombie Dragonborn stand as a grotesque testament to the fragility of life, their existence a chilling reminder of the power of decay. They are both feared and loathed, their putrid forms an affront to the living. Their presence is a haunting specter in the realm of the living, a stark reminder that even the mighty can succumb to the relentless march of decay. Yet, within their rotting flesh lies a spark of their draconic heritage, a flicker of life that refuses to be extinguished, forever bound to the eternal cycle of decay and rebirth.