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Skeletal Draconic Ancestry

Image by DALL·E

Art by DALL·E

Skeletal Dragon Ancestry

  • Damage Resistance: Necrotic
  • Breath Weapon: Necrotic, 15 feet cone (Con. save)
  • Undead Spellcasting: You learn the following spells at the indicated level, and you can cast either of them using this feature once between long rests.
    • 3rd Level: Heroism
    • 5th Level: Shatter


From the desolate wastelands and forgotten burial grounds, where bones dance with the winds and darkness holds sway, emerge the Skeletal Dragonborn, a lineage infused with the eerie power of the undead. Their bodies, once draped in flesh and muscle, now stand as skeletal frames, their scales transformed into ghostly apparitions that rattle in the breeze. Their eyes, once windows to their fiery souls, now glow with an otherworldly luminescence, reflecting the lingering essence of undeath.

Legends speak of a forgotten era when a necromantic plague swept across the land, transforming living beings into skeletal warriors. It was during this time of devastation that the first Skeletal Dragonborn emerged, their bodies stripped of flesh and bound to the realm of shadows. These skeletal warriors, forever enmeshed in the dance of death, possess an uncanny resistance to necrotic energy, their very essence resonating with the chill of undeath.

Their breath weapon, once a torrent of searing flame or icy blast, has taken on a spectral resonance, unleashing a devastating wave of necrotic energy that can wither flesh and sap the lifeforce from its victims. Their draconic heritage, however, has not been entirely extinguished. They retain the innate ability to commune with and manipulate the forces of arcane magic, and their mastery over undeath grants them access to potent spells such as Heroism and Shatter.

The Skeletal Dragonborn stand as a haunting testament to the fragility of life, their existence a chilling reminder of the power of death. They are both feared and respected, their skeletal forms striking an unsettling contrast to their vibrant draconic kin. Their presence is a haunting specter in the realm of the living, a stark reminder that even the mighty can succumb to the clutches of undeath. Yet, within their skeletal frames lies a spark of their draconic heritage, a flicker of life that refuses to be extinguished, forever bound to the dance of shadows.