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Sunrise Elves

Sunrise Elf Traits

  • Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
  • Extra Language. You gain proficiency in one additional language of your choice.
  • Sunrise Fury. Once per day, you can tap into the blazing essence within, entering an elemental fury for 1 minute. During this time:
    • You must maintain concentration on your fury as if it were a spell. Roll your saving throws to maintain concentration with advantage if the moon is out, whether you can see it or not.
    • Any creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of you takes damage equal to your character level in fire damage.
    • Your walking speed increases by 10 feet.
    • Flames envelop your body, providing an Armor Class bonus equal to half your proficiency bonus, rounded down.
  • Heat Metal. Beginning at 3rd level, you can harness the power of intense heat to cast the spell Heat Metal as a 2nd-level spell once per day. Your spellcasting ability for this spell is Strength.
Image by DALL·E

Art by DALL·E

Keepers of the Ember Hearth

Image by DALL·E

Art by DALL·E

In the heart of the Ember Hearth, a realm bathed in the eternal light of dawn, the Sunrise Elves thrive as stewards of the sacred flames. Born under the first rays of the sun, these elves embody the fiery essence that permeates their radiant homeland.

The Strength imbued within Sunrise Elves reflects their robust physique and resilience, shaped by the demanding landscapes of the Ember Hearth. Their formidable stature is a testament to their kinship with the elemental forces that fuel their fiery passions.

Proficient in additional languages, Sunrise Elves are adept diplomats and cultural ambassadors. Their openness to communication with various civilizations is a reflection of the Ember Hearth's tradition of embracing diversity and forging alliances beyond their borders.

The Sunrise Fury, a ritual passed down through generations, allows these elves to become vessels of living flame. During this elemental fury, they become walking beacons of destruction. Flames erupt from their very being, inflicting searing damage upon any unfortunate soul within their proximity. The accelerated pace and the protective aura of flames that enhance their Armor Class showcase the symbiotic relationship between the elves and the fiery forces they command.

As the Sunrise Elves mature, they unlock the ability to cast Heat Metal, a spell that channels the intense heat of their homeland. This magical mastery over heat grants them the power to manipulate metal and scorch adversaries, adding an additional layer to their arsenal of elemental abilities.

Guardians of the Ember Hearth, the Sunrise Elves serve as both protectors and embodiments of the ever-burning flame that defines their realm. Their existence is a testament to the enduring power of the dawn, and as they move through the world, they carry the warmth and strength of the Ember Hearth within them, forever bound to the radiant fires that shape their destiny.