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Stormborn Elves

Stormborn Elf Traits

  • Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
  • Extra Language. You gain proficiency in one additional language of your choice.
  • Hurricane Fury. Once per day, you can tap into the tempest within, entering an elemental fury for 1 minute. During this time:
    • You must maintain concentration on your fury as if it were a spell. Roll your saving throws to maintain concentration with advantage if the moon is out, whether you can see it or not.
    • You gain a flying speed of 15 feet.
    • Your agile movements make you elusive. Once per turn, you can use your bonus action to evade, avoiding provoking opportunity attacks.
    • The swirling winds around you provide a bonus to your Armor Class, granting +1 against non-magical ranged attacks.
  • Gust of Wind. Beginning at 3rd level, you can channel the power of the storm to cast the spell Gust of Wind as a 2nd-level spell once per day. Your spellcasting ability for this spell is Intelligence.
Image by DALL·E

Art by DALL·E

Skyward Wanderers of the Tempest Peaks

Image by DALL·E

Art by DALL·E

The Stormborn Elves hail from the majestic Tempest Peaks, a range of mountains perpetually shrouded in storm clouds, where the roar of thunder and the crackle of lightning are as familiar as the wind's gentle whispers. Born under the watchful eyes of tempests, these elves are touched by the raw power of the skies and the relentless force of the wind.

Their Intelligence, a gift from the tempests that shape their homeland, sets Stormborn Elves apart as scholars and innovators. This ability enhances their magical prowess, allowing them to unravel the mysteries of the arcane with an inquisitive mind.

The proficiency in an additional language is a testament to the Stormborn Elves' engagement with neighboring civilizations and their desire to exchange knowledge. Their insatiable curiosity extends beyond the skies, reaching into the realms of art, science, and diplomacy.

The Hurricane Fury, a ritual passed down through generations, allows Stormborn Elves to tap into the tempest within, becoming avatars of the storm. During this elemental fury, they gain the power of flight, making them swift and elusive in battle. The swirling winds not only enhance their agility but also offer protection, deflecting non-magical ranged attacks.

As they mature, Stormborn Elves unlock the ability to cast Gust of Wind, a spell that channels the raw energy of the storm. This magical prowess allows them to manipulate the very air around them, unleashing gusts that can clear obstacles and disrupt adversaries.

Guardians of the Tempest Peaks, the Stormborn Elves embody the unbridled spirit of the skies. Their presence is a reminder that even in the most turbulent storms, there is beauty, power, and the potential for great discoveries. As they soar through the heavens, they carry with them the legacy of their mountainous realm, forever bound to the tempests that shaped their destiny.