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Bloodline Curses

Monstrous Affliction

  • When you get afflicted by this curse you become imbued with the monstrous essence of the Manticore, an Elemental Mephit, the Owlbear or the Winter Wolf.
  • The curse has a specific trigger, typically the occurrence of a full moon.
  • Upon rolling a natural 1 or natural 20, you automatically transform.
  • When transforming due to the trigger or a natural roll, you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw with a DC of 10 + your player level. Failure results in entering a rage, compelling you to attack the nearest creature as your sole action. You can repeat the saving throw at the beginning of each of your turns.

Affliction Activators

Within the enigmatic world of lycanthropy, the triggers for transformative affliction go beyond the familiar lunar cycle. Tied to seismic shifts, thunderstorms, and even intense emotions, these activators unravel the mysteries of the cursed. Whether it be contact with specific substances, a chosen time of day, or encountering certain symbols or creatures, each catalyst unveils a unique facet of the lycanthropic curse. Dungeon Masters can use these triggers to add layers of intrigue, crafting narratives that keep players on the edge of uncertainty. Witness the arcane dance between the mundane and the supernatural as we reveal the cryptic activators shaping the destiny of those ensnared by the werewolf's bane.

1d10Affliction Activator
1Lunar Cycle
2Tectonic Shifts
4Skin contact with a specific substance (e.g. water, blood, alcohol, metal)
5A sufficiently strong emotion
6An extreme sensory trigger (e.g. loud noise, bright light, stench)
7A specific time of day
8A specific word being heard
9A specific symbol being seen
10A specific creature being seen or heard