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Schools of Magic

Image by DALL·E

Art by DALL·E

Hemomancy Spells

Arcane Research

Image by DALL·E

Art by DALL·E

Runeclaw Ironfur's mastery over spells within the Arcane Bear Library is a harmonious dance between collection and creation. As the sole librarian, they traverse the astral currents, opening portals to diverse planes to gather ancient scrolls and mystic tomes, each bearing the unique imprints of spells woven into the fabric of their respective realms. Ironfur meticulously organizes these esoteric treasures within the library's shelves, forming a living tapestry of magical knowledge. However, Ironfur's role transcends that of a mere archivist; within the quiet confines of the library, they harness the collective essence of these spells, distilling and blending their arcane energies to create new incantations that resonate with the very threads of the multiverse. In this delicate interplay of collection and creation, Runeclaw Ironfur becomes not only a guardian of existing spells but also a weaver of the magical potential that lies at the heart of the Astral Archive.