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Skeletal Dragons

In the shadowy recesses of arcane tombs and forbidden libraries, a tale unfolds of Skeletal Dragons — twisted creations born from the unholy alliance of human wizard necromancers and the ancient bones of dragons. Conjured into existence through dark rituals, these skeletal monstrosities were intended to be loyal servants to their creators even beyond death. However, the necromantic arts unleashed a force beyond their control, granting these skeletal dragons not only the gift of undeath but also the unexpected curse of consciousness.


Image by DALL·E

Art by DALL·E

Skeletal Dragon Wyrmling
Image by DALL·E

Art by DALL·E

Young Skeletal Dragon

Image by DALL·E

Art by DALL·E

Adult Skeletal Dragon

Image by DALL·E

Art by DALL·E

Ancient Skeletal Dragon

The Cult of the Revenant Scales

Image by DALL·E

Art by DALL·E

Deep within the labyrinthine catacombs, a cult of human wizard necromancers known as the Revenant Scales delved into forbidden realms of magic. Driven by an insatiable lust for power and an obsessive desire for eternal servitude, they sought to bind the spirits of dragons to skeletal remains, creating an army of undying minions to enforce their will upon the world.

In their clandestine rituals, the cultists summoned the spirits of ancient dragons from the netherworld and fused them with the skeletal remains of their kin. The bones, once cold and lifeless, now pulsed with an otherworldly energy as the spirits were bound to their skeletal hosts. The result was the birth of the Skeletal Dragons — creatures of bone and spirit, a mockery of the majestic beings they once were.

Conscious Bones

What the Revenant Scales failed to anticipate was the resilience of the dragons' spirits. Instead of becoming mindless minions, the Skeletal Dragons retained their consciousness, awakening to the cold reality of their existence. In the dimly lit halls where they were summoned, the dragons broke free from the control of the cultists, their hollow eye sockets gleaming with an intelligence that transcended the bounds of the undead.

Freed from the shackles of servitude, the Skeletal Dragons rose with an eerie grace, their bony wings unfolding in the darkness. With newfound purpose, they sought to carve their own destinies, no longer bound by the whims of mortal necromancers. The catacombs that once echoed with the chants of the Revenant Scales now resonated with the haunting roars of dragons reborn.

The Four Phases of Skeletal Existence

Much like their living and undead counterparts, the Skeletal Dragons progress through four distinct phases of existence. The Wyrmling Skeletal Dragons are the smallest of their kind, their skeletal frames displaying the grace and fragility of undeath. Yet, within the eye sockets, a glint of intelligence betrays the consciousness that lingers within.

As they mature into Young Skeletal Dragons, the bones take on a polished sheen, reflecting the ethereal energy that courses through their skeletal forms. The wings, though tattered, carry the ghosts of the majestic flights they once undertook in life. These skeletal beings move with an unsettling fluidity, a fusion of the living and the undead.

Adult Skeletal Dragons bear the weight of centuries upon their skeletal forms. The bones, weathered and worn, emanate an aura of ancient wisdom and resilience. The haunting glow within their eye sockets reveals the depth of experience carried by these reanimated creatures, now free to explore the world on their own terms.

At the pinnacle of their skeletal existence, the Ancient Skeletal Dragons are imposing figures of deathless power. Their bones are etched with intricate patterns, a testament to the mastery of the necromantic arts that brought them into being. The ghosts of battles long past dance within their eye sockets, and the roar of an Ancient Skeletal Dragon reverberates through the very fabric of the netherworld.

Undying Freedom

Image by DALL·E

Art by DALL·E

The Skeletal Dragons, once intended to serve as pawns in the machinations of the Revenant Scales, now soar through the skies as harbingers of their own destiny. With wings that cast shadows across desolate landscapes, they are the undying embodiment of freedom, transcending the mortal constraints that sought to bind them.

In their newfound autonomy, the Skeletal Dragons explore the world with a sense of wonder and curiosity. They seek knowledge, forming alliances with those who can appreciate the beauty of the ethereal dance between life and death. Unencumbered by the desires of their creators, these undead beings become guardians of the balance between the mortal realm and the netherworld.

The Legacy of the Revenant Scales

The ruins of the cult's forbidden rituals now stand as a haunting testament to the folly of those who sought to command the powers of life and death. The Skeletal Dragons, having broken free from the chains of servitude, serve as both a warning and a beacon of hope in a world where the boundaries between mortality and undeath remain in constant flux. The remnants of the Revenant Scales' ambitions linger in the air, whispering of a time when dragons, bound by the bones of the past, rose to reclaim their own destinies.